Monday, January 5, 2009


Would you look at those walls o' text.

I'll deal with them tomorrow. But first, an amusing anecdote.

I made a very serious Enemy™ once, through a series of events that, in the long run, I do not regret. A friend of mine was showing me her music library, and the neat music that the Enemy™ had given her.

I was surprised. She said he had given her Joy Division. And not just a random-ass MP3 of "Love Will Tear Us Apart", or even Unknown Pleasures. On her iTunes was the full album of Closer and the Transmission single from Substance.

Clearly, my accidental Enemy™ had better taste than I thought.

She continues scrolling down. We hit The Raconteurs, Consolers of the Lonely, which she also said was his. I'm now surprised. Maybe a bit worried. I made an Enemy™ who had fantastic taste in music.

At this point, I'm looking at the "Date Added" tab for other albums that he had given her. An amazing Tegan and Sara album. Two discs worth of The Smiths. And, oh god, oh god, was that The Stone Roses?! I've made an Enemy™ out of a guy who likes both The Smiths, Joy Division, AND The Stone Roses?!

I was on the verge of tears. There were probably a dozen fantastic, classic albums that had been given by this Enemy™, whom would probably resort to violence (or at least unpleasant language) next we would meet. I fucked up big time. I almost started tearing up. She looked at me like I had a pumpkin-sized tumor growing out of my head.

Then, I look at the date again. June 2008. She was in Chicago during June 2008. With me. Not with the Enemy™.

I had given her these amazing albums, and she and I had just forgotten.

The realization was both liberating and shameful.

Also, the new Animal Collective album is great, and you all must acquire it. I'll write about it at length later, but, get this. It's actually listenable.

We are our own worst enemies. So you must be walking on sunshine. Any plans?

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