Monday, December 29, 2008

Corporate Whore

I want more posters in my room. I'm down to these.

Tell me which I want most.

Bloc Party
Arctic Monkeys
Joy Division

Well that depends on the reactions you want/the image you're trying to convey. If you're looking for that moment when the cute brunette is getting the tour and sees your [insert band] poster and goes "Oh! I love [insert band] too!!!" followed by a discussion sex, then I'd say Radiohead is a safe bet. 

The Arctic Monkeys/Bloc Party ones are good. They both have considerable followings in the U.S so I'd say 2/3 of the foot traffic in your place would get/appreciate them. 

I'm conflicted with the Klaxons one. I'm not a fan of the poster but I love what stands for. Considering the relative obscurity of the group (sadly not everyone reads NME) displaying a poster of them proudly declares "I listen to more music than you" probably do. It also broadcasts your support for an up and coming group and will probably lead to "You don't know the Klaxons?! Here, let me show you! which are always a blast.

The Joy Division poster is my personal favorite. After a while you get sick of the John Lennon or Jim Morrison or (especially) the Kurt Cobain posters. The story of Ian Curtis isn't that well known despite Joy Divisions relative popularity. It acknowledges a phenomenal artist who went way before his time. It's a great "Gone but Not Forgotten" poster that also looks amazing. 

In order:
1. Radiohead (it looks like it'll rock any wall it's on, add flavor to the room, etc.)
2. Ian Curtis (what Owen said, badass pose)
*The other three are sort of boring band pictures but I'll try to make the best of them*
3. Bloc Party 
4. Arctic Monkeys
5. Klaxons

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey ladies.

Nice blog.


Molly and Laura