Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Note on Emerson College's Critical Role in a Radical Social Movement of No Importance

Emerson College is the epicenter of this nation's ironic revolution. Oh, you've never heard of the ironic revolution? Well, admittedly it's a bit on the subtle side, as is the nature of all great sarcasm. And who's better at sarcasm than hipsters? And where do all the hipsters live? Underground nuclear shelters built in the 50s and promptly rendered obsolete in the 60s. [As an unimportant side-note, I couldn't remember the word obsolete (thank you, Owen) and in the attempt to remember it equated its definition with the social relevance of Madonna's sexual organs - but that's another post].

Emerson kids live in nuclear shelters? I think that'd I've have heard about that. It'd probably be a step up from the LB, at least.


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