Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Obvious

How the fuck was Oasis?!

The mindblowingness of Noel Gallagher cannot be described in words. BUT i will try.
The first hour or so was surprisingly underwhelming. They played a lot of new songs and songs we didn't know so well and Liam was a fucktard and refused to sing any notes for more than a split-second: he would cut off every word at the end each verse so as to ruin any flow or semblance of melody. But he let up after a bit. I have to say the best parts were Noel's songs: more heartfelt and honest but still crazy cool, while not being lost in his own god-ness. The Shock of the Lightning was about the fourth song and it was the first hint that this was gonna be an amazing night. Songbird was nice, Morning Glory brought the house down, Slide Away was also nice: clearly the best songs were the mushy ones. Rock N Roll Star (the first song) would've been spectacular if not for Liam's assholeness ruining everything. After the lighter-waving-worthy Wonderwall, Supersonic closed the set. We were happy, it was worth it, but somewhat disappointing. The crowd stood there for a full ten minutes begging for their return, and finally it came. But - what is this? - Liam's not with them! Oh, gracious glory! There is a god! At this point I'm so excited that I'm about to pee my pants, but I'm convinced that they'll only play one song, and their discography is running through my head trying to anticipate what it'll be. And then Noel starts singing and I almost have to cry because he's doing a stripped-down semiacoustic version of my favorite fucking song, and as thousands of people are crying, "So Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as she's walking on by!!" my life is made complete. Then - another song! A Dig Out Your Soul track, again sans Liam. And as if this hasn't been enough, Liam walks back out seemingly without his ego on him, they start Champagne Supernova and it's absolutely unreal. I felt infinite as Stephen Chbosky would say, and it's a ten-minute song. More chanting, more lighters! Now, that would've ended the night above my expectations: they had me at Don't Look Back in Anger. But, no, they play a sick I Am The Walrus and leave us drowning in Noel's aforementioned sex juices. Let me just say, 2008 began with my discovery of a band that would make me feel more alive than any musical entity ever before, and just as it was fading, 2008 ends with a supersonic relapse into an obsession that won't ever go away. At least till the end of college.
Owen, your turn.
Oh, and Ryan Adams sucked. However, to our pleasant surprise, Colin Meloy was casually singing solo songs as the audience filled in.

I'm oozing envy.


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